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To help a fellow Veteran!
Who calls a Veteran for a Buddy Check!
Be the one WHO CARES!
Get to know your officers!
Here are some short bios to give you their background.
Commander of the Year
Post Commander
Dave McLaughlin
U.S. Army (NG)
Artillery: Battery Commander
1st Vice Commander
Dave Randall - U.S. Army
2nd Vice Commander
John Snow - U.S. Army
Adjutant of the Year
Post 117 Adjutant
Dean Noechel
U.S. Army
Past Department Commander, Colorado
U.S. Army Blackhawk Helicopter Repair,
Enlisted Flight Instructor
Operation Iraqi Freedom 2003-2004
571st Medical Company Air Ambulance
Legionnaire since 2003
Served at every level.
Post 38 Commander, Colorado Springs, CO
District Commander, CO
Dept. Jr. Commander
Dept. Sr. Commander
Legionnair of the Year, 2017
100th Commander, Dept of Colorado
Elected June 22, 2019
Dept. Commander of the Year, 2019-2020
Judge Advocate
U.S. Army Military Police
U.S. Navy Hospital Corps
U.S. Marine Corps Hospital Corpsman
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